GPET are a social enterprise based in Pollok who acquired ‘The Wedge’, with the task of transforming the previously neglected site into a business hub.
As GPET awaited funds to renovate the space, we utilised the few angles available to spark intrigue and create excitement around the potential of the space.
The website was designed with an emphasis on style to reflect the vision of the office spaces as sleek and contemporary.
Southside Daycare is a nursery in Glasgow’s south side for children ages 0-5.
Given that the safety and care of the children is of primordial importance, we chose to place pictures of the carers at the forefront and pair this with a warm and comforting palette.
The content of the website was written to be accessible and easy to read. On the homepage, the content is hierarchised according to what is most important for caregivers, i.e. safety, availability, educational methods etc.
Pollok Credit Union’s website was designed in partnership with Wellington IT, who specialise in creating website and mobile apps for banking services.
The website had to be highly functional, as ease and affordability were identified as the first barrier to entry for those seeking lending and saving facilities.
As such, many interactive tools, such as the loan calculator, prompting users to work out possible loan repayments are omnipresent within the website. Our analysis showed that getting members to click on an outbound link i.e. an action that would take them to our onboarding or loan application pages, was critical for converting website visitors.